
Save the Date! PLW Spring Social; Post-Abortive Healing; Purchase a Choose Life Wisconsin License Plate; Pro-Life News; and More!
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Join us for an evening with fellow pro-life Wisconsinites on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at the Great Dane Pub–Hilldale (357 Price Pl, Madison, WI 53705). Enjoy drinks, appetizers, and fantastic company from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Your first drink is on us!

We will also hear briefly from our
Pro-Life Wisconsin Legislator of the Year, State Senator Julian Bradley, who has worked tirelessly in our State Capitol to uphold the dignity of the preborn child.

Bring a friend and come prepared to meet other pro-life Wisconsinites from the Madison area and beyond. Let's continue to work together for a Wisconsin in which all lives are respected and cherished. Early-Bird registration details to follow soon!
Over 60 million preborn children have been killed since abortion became legal, and we know there are millions upon millions living their lives each day with the regret and shame of their abortion. This is why Pro-Life Wisconsin has now established the The Mikey and Angie Fund which will be dedicated solely to post-abortive healing efforts and the creation of memorials here in Wisconsin for repentant men and women seeking to honor the lives of their precious preborn children.

Why the "Mikey and Angie" Fund? In the words of the La Crosse Life Leauge Chaplain, Father Alan Benander, O. Praem:

“Michael ‘Mikey’ Joseph and Angelica ‘Angie’ Mary are two precious children whose lives were unjustly taken from them by chemical abortion. Through the help of post-abortive healing, their deeply penitent mother has come to reclaim these children as her very own, creating a headstone for them, and declaring on it her repentance through a deeply heartfelt message of love and sorrow.  

Since the blessing and dedication of this headstone on July 7, 2018, she has visited that headstone almost daily, and it has served several purposes:

1.) It is an act of just vindication for the children. Though they are no longer living with us on earth, there is a duty in justice to give them the honor they deserve and at least try to ‘undo’ the indescribable dishonor they suffered through these abortions.

2.) The repentant mother has been deeply healed by this act. For, to the extent that a mother honors her children killed and dishonored by abortion, she is herself honored and thus healed. The creation of this headstone and the frequent visiting of it has been a critical step in reclaiming her children as her own and truly becoming a mother to them, once again.

3.) It is a statement to the public of the honor due to these children, to the pain that mothers go through when they have abortions, and to the horror of abortion. At the same time, it is a testament to the graces that God has given to this repentant mother to reclaim her motherhood, and a beacon of hope for the healing that awaits post-abortive men and women.

Having journeyed with this mother through her healing, the idea came to us both that other such ‘honor stones’ for children lost by abortion should be made. Thus, we hope to establish memorial walls in cemeteries and churches, for specific, individual children, and in time create larger memorial sites for this same purpose. Repentant mothers, fathers, abortion workers, or anyone wounded by abortion could then create individual honor stones or plaques dedicated to specific children killed through abortion, just like the particular honor stone was created for Mikey and Angie.”

If you or someone you know is suffering from the pain and regret of abortion and needs healing, please contact us at To donate to The Mikey and Angie Fund and assist in the healing journey of countless post-abortive men and women, visit, select PLW ETF, and give generously to the Mikey and Angie Fund.

Since late October 2017, Choose Life license plates have been available to Wisconsin motorists, and every penny earned through the sale of the plates directly aids Wisconsin's incredible pregnancy resource centers and initiatives. With over 2,171 of these plates on cars in the Badger State, sales have resulted in over $210,993 granted to over twenty-five Wisconsin pregnancy resource centers in five years.

With a greater need to serve pregnant women in our state, be a part of the mission to save lives and aid women, get your Choose Life Wisconsin license plate today! For more information call Pro-Life Wisconsin at 262-796-1111 ext. 110.

For a list of pregnancy resource centers in Wisconsin, visit


MADISON DOCTOR OPENS ABORTION CLINIC IN ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS: (Wisconsin State Journal) – “Nearly seven months after a Madison doctor bought two properties in Rockford, Illinois, to open abortion clinics in anticipation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, the first clinic has opened and the second is expected to start up this spring. A city zoning decision and a monthslong wait for an Illinois medical license delayed Dr. Dennis Christensen’s plan to open the first clinic, for pill abortions. The clinic opened last week, seeing its first patient Friday, Christensen said Monday. Remodeling started last week on the second site, for surgical abortions and other care, which could be ready by April, he said.” Read the full story here.

‘PURE EVIL’: ILLINOIS GOVERNOR SIGNS ABORTION LAW OPPONENTS SAY GREATLY ENDANGERS WOMEN: (Live Action) – “Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois this week signed a new law expanding abortion even further in the abortion haven state, allegedly in order to meet ‘soaring demand.’ HB 4664 passed on the last day of the lame-duck legislative session and contains several provisions expanding the abortion industry in the state. Proponents of the law – both when Pritzker signed the bill and in statements from pro-abortion legislators – claimed the changes became necessary due to rising demand in Illinois on account of pro-life laws enacted in neighboring states in the aftermath of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. As such, part of the main thrust of the law is to grow the abortion workforce in the state as quickly as possible.” Read the full story here.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD PUSHES ABORTION PILLS TO INCREASE PROFIT MARGINS: report: (LifeSiteNews) – “Planned Parenthood, America’s largest provider of abortions, is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that is pushing pill abortions to increase profit margins, according to research compiled by the American Life League’s STOPP International. STOPP, an initiative dedicated to educating people about Planned Parenthood, has documented the abortion vendor’s increased focus on do-it-yourself abortion, a move that will increase profits for the ‘non-profit’ abortion business.” Read the full story here.

STUDIES SHOW ABORTION PILL IS FOUR TIMES MORE DANGEROUS THAN SURGICAL ABORTIONS: ( – “The Biden administration continues to endanger both women and unborn children by loosening the rules regarding the dispensation of chemical-abortion drugs. In December 2021, the FDA permanently continued the Covid-era policy of allowing women to obtain chemical-abortion pills without an in-person medical exam. Then last week, the FDA announced that women could obtain chemical-abortion pills at retail pharmacies. Already, large pharmacies including Walgreen’s and CVS have indicated that they will offer chemical-abortion drugs. A solid body of public-health research has demonstrated that chemical abortions pose serious health risks.” Read the full story here.


APRIL 27, MADISON – Pro-Life Wisconsin's brand new event, the Spring Social, will be held at The Great Dane–Hilldale (357 Price Pl, Madison, WI 53705). Join us for a night of refreshments, conversation, and a brief special address from our Legislator of the Year. More details and registration to come.

JUNE 24, MADISON – Join us for the annual March for Life Wisconsin, being held on the anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision which overturned Roe v. Wade. Gather together with pro-life Wisconsinites to commemorate this momentous decision and press onward toward the final victory of enshrining the right to life into law and establishing personhood for every preborn child.

SEPTEMBER 21, BROOKFIELD – Join us for our annual Love for Life Gala on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. This year, we welcome author and radio host, Patrick Madrid as our keynote speaker. More details and registration to come.


CRAWFORD COUNTY: Life Guardians pro-life group meets monthly in Boscobel. Email Heather at for more information or check out the Facebook page here.

Pro-Life Green Bay is an active pro-life ministry in Northeast Wisconsin and meets regularly throughout the year. For more information, contact

LA CROSSE: We would like to see at least two people pray every day of the week outside Planned Parenthood. If you can commit to this weekly prayer, please let Marie Allen know. We encourage people to pray in groups of two if possible. You may choose your own time, and sidewalk counseling and signs are optional. Pro-Life literature is available if anyone wishes to distribute it. Questions? Call 608-784-5189.

MILWAUKEE: Join us every Tuesday at 6:00 PM (rain or shine) to pray the Angelus followed by the Rosary in reparation for sins of ingratitude at the Fatima Shrine (141 N 68th St Milwaukee, WI 53213).

Pro-Life Students of Milwaukee (PRISM) is an affiliate for high school students in the greater Milwaukee area. PRISM meets monthly and hosts pro-life events throughout the year. Email for more information.

PRISM is scheduled to serve at the Women's Care Center
(1441 N Farwell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202) on Saturday, January 21. We are hoping to start at 11:30 a.m. and be there for an hour or two. Times to be confirmed.

ROCK COUNTY: For meeting times and other information, please email Miriam at

WINNEBAGO COUNTY: Please join us in prayer every first Monday of the month from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to exercise your 1st amendment free speech rights in the public right of way (nearest to Marcus Cinema) in Oshkosh, near Planned Parenthood (378S Koeller St, Oshkosh, WI 54902).  Bring your own sign, or use one of ours!  Contact Don Doro at 920-279-3496 or at

WISCONSIN RAPIDS: Please join us in prayer on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. along 8th Street near Planned Parenthood. Gather in the parking lot at 3:45 p.m.


ONGOING –  Walking with Moms in Need: The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable. From pregnancy care centers, to foster care and adoption agencies, and from maternity homes to parish-based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life—including both mother and child. This program asks parishes and parishioners to adopt and support those centers and agencies that are actively helping moms in need. View the flyer here or visit the website here.

Participate in the Rosary in Kenosha at 6:00 p.m. every Sunday at Saint Therese Catholic Church (2020 91st Street Kenosha, WI 53143). Bring family and friends!

ONGOING, OCONOMOWOC – Public Prayer of the Rosary to entrust the whole world to Our Lady and ask her to intercede for our state, country, and world. Join us at Village Green Park (104 E Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, WI 53066) every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. View the flyer here.

ONGOING – Toda America con Cristo and Family Life Council, Inc. has created pro-life resources for the latino community. If you or someone you know would benefit from these resources please view the web pages here and here.

POST-ABORTIVE VIDEO – There is hope and healing for mothers and fathers who now regret their abortion and deeply grieve the loss of their little child. A new day is dawning; be not afraid. Seek the help you need. Your wounded heart can be healed through the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Go to Him, seek Him, and receive the help you desire to be healed and live in hope once again. Watch this video for more information on where to find help. There are millions and millions who regret their abortions. You are not alone.

JANUARY 21, – Join us for the annual Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 10:00 the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (812 N. Jackson St.Milwaukee, WI 53202). Celebrated by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, come together and pray the day before the 50-year anniversary of the tragic decision of Roe vs. Wade. Continued prayers and advocacy are still needed to uphold the dignity of every human life – from conception to natural death. Questions? Deacon Jim Matthias | Director of the Office for Respect Life Ministry at or 414-769-3454. Share the information here.

The Juneau County Life Chain Committee invites you to the Juneau County March for Life at the Juneau County Courthouse (220 E State St, Mauston, WI 53948) on Sunday, January 22, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. See the flyer here for more details.

JANUARY 23, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

JANUARY 24, WHITEWATER – Join us for a Prayer Vigil for the Unborn in Whitewater on Tuesday, January 24, from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Living Word Fellowship (212 W Main Street Whitewater, WI 53190).

JANUARY 28, MILWAUKEE – You're invited! On Saturday, January 28, at Christ King Parish, (2604 N Swan Blvd, Milwaukee, WI 53226) Fr. Rob Kroll will celebrate Mass and speak on the topic, The Four Levels of Happiness: How to Satisfy Our Deepest Desires. Registration is required in advance here. View the flyer here.
For inclusion on this list, please send a PDF or JPEG of the event flyer along with a short write-up about your event to

FEBRUARY 20, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: March 20, April 17, May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

MARCH 20, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: April 17, May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

APRIL 17, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

MAY 15, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

JUNE 19, BROOKFIELD – Join us for the last "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.
Visit our website to stay updated on current news, events, legislative issues, and more! You can find our stance on abortion, end of life issues, contraception, natural family planning, stem cell research, and cloning.

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