
PLW PAC Endorses Cody Horlacher for Waukesha County Circuit Court, Wisconsin Supreme Court Election is One Month Away; PLW PAC Endorses Daniel Kelly; PLW Spring Social; Submit Your Artwork for the PLW Art Contest; 40 Days for Life; Choose Life Wisconsin; Pro-Life News; and More!
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The Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund political action committee (PAC) has endorsed Cody Horlacher for Waukesha County Circuit Court, Branch 7. The general election is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4.

A former prosecutor and state lawmaker, Cody Horlacher is “committed to serving the people of our community. We need principled public servants who will preserve the rule of law, public safety, and our freedoms. As a Waukesha County judge, I will uphold the rule of law, ensure our constitutional rights are protected, and not legislate from the bench.”

Pro-Life Wisconsin knows Cody Horlacher will make an excellent judge. His intelligence, compassion, experience, and integrity will serve Waukesha County residents well. As a judicial conservative with a deep respect for and commitment to the rule of law, Cody Horlacher will adjudicate independently and impartially. He will work with a servant’s heart to protect and preserve our Constitutional freedoms and maintain law and order.

Cody Horlacher’s belief in the inherent and inviolable dignity of the human person, devotion to family, and fidelity to our federal and state constitutions as written make him the only choice for pro-life voters. Pro-Life Wisconsin is proud to endorse him!

A graduate of Marquette University Law School, Cody Horlacher served at the local level as a Walworth County assistant district attorney and then as a special prosecutor handling domestic abuse, juvenile, drunk driving, and felony level drug offenses. In 2014, Cody was elected to the State Assembly. Representative Horlacher served as Chair of the Regulatory Licensing Reform Committee and Vice-Chair of both the Judicial Committee and Criminal Justice Committees. Outside his public service, Attorney Cody Horlacher has been in private practice since 2017, and in 2021 he opened his own law practice focusing on estate planning and small business consulting. Cody and his wife Karlee reside in Mukwonago with their three children and their rescue dog, Wyatt.

The Victory Fund PAC is urging the citizens of Waukesha County to get out to the polls on Tuesday, April 4, and vote for Cody Horlacher for Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for this nonpartisan race. Visit this site to learn about where you should vote, who else is on your local ballot, and for information on voting absentee (by mail or in-person) if you cannot vote on Election Day.

primary election for Wisconsin Supreme Court resulted in former state supreme court justice Daniel Kelly and Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz advancing to the general election scheduled for Tuesday, April 4.

It is imperative that Wisconsinites elect a justice who will serve fairly and impartially, respecting and upholding the rule of law. That justice is Daniel Kelly. The same cannot be said for Janet Protasiewicz who has consistently and brazenly pronounced her public policy preferences on matters likely to come before the high court, including abortion and redistricting. Her public support for ‘abortion rights’ is a clear indication that her thumb will be on the scales of justice when it comes to adjudicating our current abortion ban. Janet Protasiewicz will legislate from the bench!

Wisconsin’s current law abortion ban, s.940.04, is being challenged in our state court system by pro-abortion Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul. If we lose our tenuous 4-3 conservative majority on the state supreme court, a new liberal, activist court will likely rule s.940.04 unenforceable, restoring abortion on demand in Wisconsin. Even worse, a liberal supreme court could find a right to abortion in our state constitution, thus overturning all our pro-life laws. We cannot let this happen! We cannot let Janet Protasiewicz return abortion on demand to Wisconsin.

Justice Kelly is the only candidate in this race with a proven record of judicial conservatism, and therefore the only candidate we trust to uphold the rule of law. His belief in the dignity of the human person makes him the only choice for pro-life voters. We are extremely proud to endorse him.

The Victory Fund PAC is urging pro-life/ pro-family / pro-rule of law citizens across Wisconsin to vote In-Person Absentee, Absentee by Mail, or on Election Day Tuesday, April 4, for Daniel Kelly for Wisconsin Supreme Court. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for this nonpartisan race. Learn more about where you should vote, who else is on your local ballot, and for information on voting absentee (by mail or in-person) if you cannot vote on Election Day here.

Join us for an evening with fellow pro-life Wisconsinites on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at the Great Dane Pub–Hilldale (357 Price Pl, Madison, WI 53705). Enjoy drinks, appetizers, and fantastic company from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Your first drink is on us!

We will also hear briefly from our
Pro-Life Wisconsin Legislator of the Year, State Senator Julian Bradley, who has worked tirelessly in our State Capitol to uphold the dignity of the preborn child.

Bring a friend and come prepared to meet other pro-life Wisconsinites from the Madison area and beyond. Let's continue to work together for a Wisconsin in which all lives are respected and cherished.

Since their founding in 2007, 40 Days for Life campaigns have saved 22,829 babies through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil outside of local abortion facilities. While abortion is illegal here in Wisconsin, abortion-bound women continue to visit local Planned Parenthood facilities and community "health" centers to obtain contraception and information on the procurement of abortion. Our work is not done!

We invite you to commit to prayer time on the sidewalks outside these facilities during this Spring campaign, February 22-April 2. Bring your friends and family, or call us if you'd like a member of our Pro-Life Wisconsin staff to join you. If you or your campaign is in need of signs, we can ship you one or as many as you need.
Please go to a campaign near you and get involved. Current cities include Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, and Waukesha.
40 Clergy, 40 Days: In past years, the presence of clergy has proven a very powerful witness and has influenced many women to choose life outside of abortion facilities! Our goal is to have one priest, deacon, or religious praying every day of the campaign for one hour. Sign up online here. If you are a clergy member and would like to commit to one hour of prayer outside these facilities, email our Outreach Director at or call 262.796.1111 ext. 114.

The 6th annual Pro-Life Wisconsin Prayer Card Art Contest is underway for students in grades 1-12! Do you love painting, drawing, photography, or graphic design? Submit your artwork and have a chance to win the 2023 contest for your grade. If chosen as a winner, we will reach out to your pastor for a pro-life prayer which will be printed on the back of your artwork in prayer card form. Prayer cards will be printed and distributed through your church and PLW. All entries must be postmarked by May 1, 2023.

Grade winners will receive:
Their design featured on a prayer card
- 500 prayer cards for their church
- 3 tickets to the 2023 PLW Love for Life Gala
ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER will receive all of the above plus $100 cash.

For more details and to submit artwork, visit our website here.

Since late October 2017, Choose Life license plates have been available to Wisconsin motorists, and every penny earned through the sale of the plates directly aids Wisconsin's incredible pregnancy resource centers and initiatives. With over 2,171 of these plates on cars in the Badger State, sales have resulted in over $210,993 granted to over twenty-five Wisconsin pregnancy resource centers in five years.

With a greater need to serve pregnant women in our state, be a part of the mission to save lives and aid women, get your Choose Life Wisconsin license plate today! For more information call Pro-Life Wisconsin at 262-796-1111 ext. 110.

For a list of pregnancy resource centers in Wisconsin, visit


OUTCOMES IN WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT RACE, CHALLENGE TO ABORTION LAW SEEN AS INEXTRICABLY LINKED: (Wisconsin State Journal) – “When voters head to the polls in April, they will not only be choosing a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice. They could also effectively decide the outcome in a highly consequential case currently moving through the courts: the challenge to the state’s near-total ban on abortion. […] While both conservative candidate Dan Kelly and liberal candidate Janet Protasiewicz have declined to say how they would rule on the abortion case that might come before them, Protasiewicz has been unusually specific in endorsing the outcome that is at the heart of that case — summed up in the sometimes politically fraught phrase of ‘reproductive rights.’ […] While Kelly has been far less vocal about abortion than Protasiewicz, he has been endorsed by anti-abortion groups including Pro-Life Wisconsin, which only endorses candidates ‘who recognize the personhood of the preborn baby and hold the principled and compassionate no-exceptions pro-life position.’” Read the full story here.

19 STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL WARN MAJOR RETAILERS THAT MAILING ABORTION PILLS IS STILL A CRIME: (LifeSiteNews) – “The attorneys general of 19 states are warning Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major retailers with pharmacy departments that, contrary to recent guidance from the Biden administration, dispensing abortion pills by mail remains illegal and carries serious consequences.” Read the full story here.

OHIO AG GIVES THE GREEN LIGHT TO MISLEADING ABORTION-ON-DEMND AMENDMENT: (Personhood Alliance) – The Ohio Attorney General issued a strongly worded letter explaining his ruling that the ballot summary of the proposed Ohio Reproductive Freedom Amendment is ‘a fair and truthful statement of the measure being proposed.’ The measure, which is modeled on the California and Michigan amendments would dehumanize the child in the womb and allow abortion and embryo destructive medical practices through all nine months of pregnancy. Because neither the ballot summary nor the amendment text itself are clear in addressing the issue of the personhood or the right to life of the preborn, many Ohio citizens are likely to be misled into thinking that the amendment deals only with the decision of a woman to decide when to have children. The biological reality is that once a woman is pregnant, there is another human life that hangs in the balance, and the question is no longer one involving personal autonomy.” Read the full op-ed here.


APRIL 27, MADISON – Pro-Life Wisconsin's brand new event, the Spring Social, will be held at The Great Dane–Hilldale (357 Price Pl, Madison, WI 53705). Join us for a night of refreshments, conversation, and a brief special address from our Legislator of the Year. Register here.

JUNE 24, MADISON – Join us for the annual March for Life Wisconsin, being held on the anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision which overturned Roe v. Wade. Gather together with pro-life Wisconsinites to commemorate this momentous decision and press onward toward the final victory of enshrining the right to life into law and establishing personhood for every preborn child.

SEPTEMBER 21, BROOKFIELD – Mark your calendars for our annual Love for Life Gala on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. This year, we welcome author and radio host, Patrick Madrid as our keynote speaker. More details and registration to come.


CRAWFORD COUNTY: Life Guardians pro-life group meets monthly in Boscobel. Email Heather at for more information or check out the Facebook page here.

Pro-Life Green Bay is an active pro-life ministry in Northeast Wisconsin and meets regularly throughout the year. For more information, contact

LA CROSSE: We would like to see at least two people pray every day of the week outside Planned Parenthood. If you can commit to this weekly prayer, please let Marie Allen know. We encourage people to pray in groups of two if possible. You may choose your own time, and sidewalk counseling and signs are optional. Pro-Life literature is available if anyone wishes to distribute it. Questions? Call 608-784-5189.

MILWAUKEE: Join us every Tuesday at 6:00 PM (rain or shine) to pray the Angelus followed by the Rosary in reparation for sins of ingratitude at the Fatima Shrine (141 N 68th St Milwaukee, WI 53213).

Pro-Life Students of Milwaukee (PRISM) is an affiliate for high school students in the greater Milwaukee area. PRISM meets monthly and hosts pro-life events throughout the year. Email for more information.

ROCK COUNTY: For meeting times and other information, please email Miriam at

WINNEBAGO COUNTY: Please join us in prayer every first Monday of the month from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to exercise your 1st amendment free speech rights in the public right of way (nearest to Marcus Cinema) in Oshkosh, near Planned Parenthood (378S Koeller St, Oshkosh, WI 54902).  Bring your own sign, or use one of ours!  Contact Don Doro at 920-279-3496 or at

WISCONSIN RAPIDS: Please join us in prayer on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. along 8th Street near Planned Parenthood. Gather in the parking lot at 3:45 p.m.


MARCH 11 – Register to attend the 2023 Men of Christ conference at a parish near you! This year, several parishes have joined forces to host the conference at a “Super Site.” This will create a bigger conference experience for those who are looking for that opportunity. Please be aware that some of these super sites will be charging a nominal amount to cover the rental costs. Please invite brothers, friends, dads, uncles, sons, neighbors—every man will benefit from this experience. And invite non-Catholic friends, too, there truly is something for every man who is looking to increase his faith and lead his family to heaven. See more information and register here.

MARCH 19, BOSCOBEL – Join Dr. Aharon Zorea, UW Professor and published author, for an honest discussion on invisible digital addictions affecting the entire family on Sunday, March 19 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Boscobel Bowl and Banquet (16971 US-61 #9716, Boscobel, WI 53805). View the flyer here.

Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: April 17, May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

APRIL 1, MENOMONEE FALLS – First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for Mass, Rosary, and Adoration on Saturday, April 1, at 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary Parish (N89W16297 Cleveland Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at View the flyer here.

APRIL 17, BROOKFIELD – Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: May 15, and June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

APRIL 22, GREENDALE – The Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women invite you to the Spring Layette Luncheon on Saturday, April 22, 2023, at St. Alphonsus Parish Community Room (6060 W. Loomis Rd, Greendale, WI 53129). View the flyer here. Questions? Call Jean Kelly @ 262-797-0937 or  

MAY 6, WEST BEND – First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday, May 6, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Augustine Parish (5479 County Rd Y, West Bend, WI 53095). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at View the flyer here.

Join us for "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" one Monday each month (upcoming: June 19) from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for Mass followed by Rosary, Adoration, and Reconciliation on Saturday, June 3, at 9:00 a.m. the Archdiocesan Marian Shrine (141 N 68th St, Milwaukee, WI 53213). In case of inclement weather, service will be held at St. Augustine (6762 W Rogers St, West Allis, WI 53219). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at View the flyer here.

JUNE 19, BROOKFIELD – Join us for the last "The Gospel of Life - A Brief Summary" from 7:00 -8:00 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Parish (1755 N Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005). Kevin Gilpin from Holy Apostles will present and structure a one-hour in-person discussion following your at-home reading of The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae) encyclical. Register here.

JULY 1, NEW BERLIN – First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration on Saturday, July 1, at 9:00 a.m. at Holy Apostles Church (16000 W National Ave, New Berlin, WI 53151). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at View the flyer here.

ONGOING –  Walking with Moms in Need: The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable. From pregnancy care centers, to foster care and adoption agencies, and from maternity homes to parish-based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life—including both mother and child. This program asks parishes and parishioners to adopt and support those centers and agencies that are actively helping moms in need. View the flyer here or visit the website here.

Participate in the Rosary in Kenosha at 6:00 p.m. every Sunday at Saint Therese Catholic Church (2020 91st Street Kenosha, WI 53143). Bring family and friends!

ONGOING, OCONOMOWOC – Public Prayer of the Rosary to entrust the whole world to Our Lady and ask her to intercede for our state, country, and world. Join us at Village Green Park (104 E Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, WI 53066) every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. View the flyer here.

ONGOING – Toda America con Cristo and Family Life Council, Inc. has created pro-life resources for the latino community. If you or someone you know would benefit from these resources please view the web pages here and here.

POST-ABORTIVE VIDEO – There is hope and healing for mothers and fathers who now regret their abortion and deeply grieve the loss of their little child. A new day is dawning; be not afraid. Seek the help you need. Your wounded heart can be healed through the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Go to Him, seek Him, and receive the help you desire to be healed and live in hope once again. Watch this video for more information on where to find help. There are millions and millions who regret their abortions. You are not alone.

Visit our website to stay updated on current news, events, legislative issues, and more! You can find our stance on abortion, end of life issues, contraception, natural family planning, stem cell research, and cloning.

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Pro-Life Wisconsin, 15850 W Bluemound Rd Ste 311, Brookfield, WI 53005, United States

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