Cindy Mich has had a career in communications for the last twenty-five years. She is both an award-winning journalist and media personality who is also running her own digital publication. Her writing has been featured in various online and print publications, and she is the author of three books. On the public relations side, she has planned and executed several PR campaigns for various businesses which has resulted in strong working relationships. Her extensive communications experience, combined with a passion for Pro-Life Wisconsin's mission, makes Cindy confident that she will contribute to saving many more lives.
Cindy has been a catechist teacher for her local parish and is an active Board Member for a Texas-based non-profit that helps structure events for those with learning challenges. She is a mother to four beautiful children, including a daughter who is recently engaged. She also has three adorable grandchildren to enjoy. Cindy resides in Glendale.
Thank you to all who came out and prayed for life in front of abortion centers during the 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign. Thanks to your presence, 16 lives were saved during the fall campaign in Milwaukee, with 277 lives reported saved this during the fall campaign worldwide. Since Dan Miller's first save on August 3, 2010, there have been 2,007 babies saved on the sidewalks of Milwaukee at abortion centers by sidewalk counselors! Praise God!
The fight for life continues even now! Please consider committing to regularly fasting and praying for the preborn, and joining a 365 campaign. Milwaukee and Green Bay both have 40 Days for Life that are "365;" meaning sidewalk counselors and volunteers pray outside these locations year-round. If you are interested in sidewalk counseling but do not have an active group praying near you, we can help. Contact State Director Dan Miller at Dan.M@ProLifeWI.org to bring a Sidewalk Counseling 101 Class to your group or church!
As of today, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin has been performing abortions illegally for 5 weeks despite Wisconsin still having an abortion ban on the books. Now, more than ever, your voice is needed as we work together to save preborn lives! Take 5 minutes today to make your own complaint to those with the authority to shut down Planned Parenthood's and Meriter Hospital's illegal activities!
You can file your complaint with the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board. When you do, tell them: "Planned Parenthood and Meriter Hospital are breaking the law by performing abortions and prescribing abortion-inducing drugs in violation of Wisconsin's abortion ban, state statute 940.04." File your complaint here or call the WI Department of Safety and Professional Services at (608) 266-2112.
Since late October 2017, "Choose Life" license plates have been available to Wisconsin motorists, and every penny earned through the sale of the plates directly aids Wisconsin's incredible pregnancy resource centers and initiatives. Choose Life Wisconsin license plate sales have resulted in over $279,508 granted to Wisconsin pregnancy resource centers to date.
PRO-ABORTION RADICALS STEAL, DESTROY SIGNS AT CATHOLIC CHURCHES OPPOSING OHIO ABORTION AMENDMENT: (LifeNews.com) – (LifeSiteNews.com) – “Just days ahead of a statewide vote on whether to enshrine abortion ‘rights’ in the Ohio Constitution, vandalism is reportedly on the rise against Catholic churches in the Buckeye State. […] Crux reports that more than a dozen Cincinnati Catholic properties have experienced violence or theft, according to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, including churches, high schools, and cemeteries. The acts include stolen ‘vote no’ yard signs and a spray-painted church window to cover a sign. The archdiocese has directed each of its parishes to play for Mass-goers a homily by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr urging all Ohio Catholics to vote against the amendment, which he called a ‘clear threat to human life and dignity.’” Read the full story here.
MILWAUKEE COUNTY PASSES RESOLUTION GRANTING NATURE EQUAL RIGHTS TO MANKIND: (LifeSiteNews) – (The Daily Wire) – “Milwaukee County passed a resolution granting nature equal rights to mankind – the first move of its kind in the state. The ‘Rights of Nature’ resolution passed on Friday, issuing specific protections for bodies of water in the county. The resolution originated from a greater indigenous-led movement to ensure that nature has the same legal protections as humans. […] The greater ‘rights of nature’ movement believes that all of nature have the same rights as humans. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) –established in 2012 at the behest of the United Nations – describes the rights of nature as a means to achieve environmental protections by affording ecosystems the same legal protections as people and corporations.” Read the full story here.
ANOTHER ACTRESS ERRONEOUSLY CLAIMS HER MISCARRIAGE WAS AN ABORTION. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME: “Actress Torrey DeVitto, best known for her starring role in NBC’s ‘Chicago Med,’ recently penned an op-ed for USA Today in which she discusses what she claims were her ‘two very different abortions.’ She shared her stories because she wants abortion to be ‘available and stigma-free for everyone, no matter why or how.’ (emphasis added) However, one of those ‘abortions’ appears to have been a natural miscarriage, in which her baby died naturally and she needed medication to help her body to expel her child’s remains. It’s important that women know the difference; miscarriage is not an intentional act of killing… abortion is.” Read the full story here.
JANUARY 17-21 2024, WASHINGTON DC – Travel to our nation's capital, and march alongside hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers for the national March for Life! Register here. With questions and for groups contact Lesley.C@ProLifeWI.org or 262-796-1111 ext. 116.
CRAWFORD COUNTY: Life Guardians pro-life group meets monthly in Boscobel. Email Heather at heatherkramer79@gmail.com for more information or check out the Facebook page here.
GREEN BAY: Pro-Life Green Bay is an active pro-life ministry in Northeast Wisconsin and meets regularly throughout the year. For more information, contact prolifegreenbay@gmail.com.
LA CROSSE: We would like to see at least two people pray every day of the week outside Planned Parenthood. If you can commit to this weekly prayer, please let Marie Allen know. We encourage people to pray in groups of two if possible. You may choose your own time, and sidewalk counseling and signs are optional. Pro-Life literature is available if anyone wishes to distribute it. Questions? Call 608-784-5189.
MILWAUKEE: Join us every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (rain or shine) to pray the Angelus followed by the Rosary in reparation for sins of ingratitude at the Fatima Shrine (141 N 68th St Milwaukee, WI 53213).
PRICE COUNTY: Join Pro-Life Wisconsin Price County for our monthly meetings. We meet every second Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at First National Bank in Phillips. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Patti McCormick at jandpmac6@gmail.com.
WINNEBAGO COUNTY: Please join us in prayer every first Monday of the month from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to exercise your 1st amendment free speech rights in the public right of way (nearest to Marcus Cinema) in Oshkosh, near Planned Parenthood (378S Koeller St, Oshkosh, WI 54902). Bring your own sign, or use one of ours! Contact Don Doro at 920-279-3496 or at ddurawa1@yahoo.com.
WISCONSIN RAPIDS: Please join us in prayer on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. along 8th Street near Planned Parenthood. Gather in the parking lot at 3:45 p.m.
NOVEMBER 10-12, ONGOING – Rachel's Vineyard of the Diocese of Madison offers Healing from Abortion. Whether recent or long ago ... Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope and healing for anyone, women or men who have struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. Upcoming retreat: November 10-12. Confidential and private. Contact Mary: call 608-821-3177, text 608-215-0061 or email at rachel@madisondiocese.org.
NOVEMBER 11, NEW BERLIN – Join the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for a Respect Life Church Hall Meeting on Saturday, November 11, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Holy Apostles Catholic Church (16000 W National Ave, New Berlin). This is an open forum to learn more about pro-life initiatives in the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, listen to local pro-life leaders, and discover the
many ways that your parish can make a difference. Suggestions for the agenda can be e-mailed to Deacon Jim Matthias at matthiasj@archmil.org. Register here.
NOVEMBER 11, ST. FRANCIS – Register today for the annual young adult Inheritance Conference! Life is a gift. While navigating life in your 20s and 30s can be daunting, you are not alone. You have a Father who continually offers to you all that is true, good, and beautiful – an inheritance of a son or daughter. We invite you to come meet amazing people, be inspired, and encounter Jesus like you never have before. Register here.
NOVEMBER 18, OCONOMOWOC – Join the Milwaukee Guild of the Catholic Medical Association for their last presentation of 2023 on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at St. Jerome Parish (995 S. Silver Lake Street Oconomowoc, WI 53066). The morning begins with 8:00 a.m. Mass followed by coffee and pastries, with presentation and Q&A from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Fr. Justin Kizewski of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will present on "Go with the Flow or Stand your Ground? Why Respect for Conscience Matters in Health Care." For more information view flyer here.
NOVEMBER 18, BROOKFIELD – You're invited to attend the annual Women of Christ Conference. New location and date for 2023! The conference will take place on Saturday, November 18, from 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Brookfield Conference Center (325 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield). More info and registration can be found here.
DECEMBER 2, GRAFTON – First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for Mass and Rosary on Saturday, December 2, at 8:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Church (1619 Washington St, Grafton, WI 53024). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at matthiasj@archmil.org.
JANUARY 6, 2024, MILWAUKEE – First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for the Rosary on Saturday, January 6, at St. Matthias Church (9306 Beloit Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53227). Each month a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at matthiasj@archmil.org.
ONGOING – Help America Pray the Rosary Bumper Stickers Available at No Cost: A generous Pro-Life Wisconsin supporter wants to help you promote devotion to the Rosary! Help America Pray the Rosary Bumper Stickers are available to you and/or your organization. They come in packets of 250 and will be sent to you free of charge. Questions and requests for bumper stickers should be directed to the Mazza Family at
ONGOING – Walking with Moms in Need: The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable. From pregnancy care centers, to foster care and adoption agencies, and from maternity homes to parish-based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life—including both mother and child. This program asks parishes and parishioners to adopt and support those centers and agencies that are actively helping moms in need. View the flyer here or visit the website here.
ONGOING, KENOSHA – Participate in the Rosary in Kenosha at 6:00 p.m. every Sunday at Saint Therese Catholic Church (2020 91st Street Kenosha, WI 53143). Bring family and friends!
ONGOING, OCONOMOWOC – Public Prayer of the Rosary to entrust the whole world to Our Lady and ask her to intercede for our state, country, and world. Join us at Village Green Park (104 E Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, WI 53066) every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. View the flye r here.
ONGOING – Toda America con Cristo and Family Life Council, Inc. has created pro-life resources for the Latino community. If you or someone you know would benefit from these resources please view the web pages here and here.
POST-ABORTIVE VIDEO – There is hope and healing for mothers and fathers who now regret their abortion and deeply grieve the loss of their little child. A new day is dawning; be not afraid. Seek the help you need. Your wounded heart can be healed through the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Go to Him, seek Him, and receive the help you desire to be healed and live in hope once again. Watch this video for more information on where to find help. There are millions and millions who regret their abortions. You are not alone.
Visit our website to stay updated on current news, events, legislative issues, and more! You can find our stance on abortion, end of life issues, contraception, natural family planning, stem cell research, and cloning.
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Pro-Life Wisconsin, 15850 W Bluemound Rd Ste 311, Brookfield, WI 53005, United States
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