
2024 March For Life DC Trip, Perpetrator of Wisconsin Family Action Headquarters Firebombing Signs Plea Agreement, Save The Date - Empty Manager Caroling
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Dec. 4, 2023 Issue

Time is running short for you to register to take part in our 2024 March for Life DC Trip. This event unites pro-lifers to march for life on a national level. We still have room to accommodate singles or groups, and packages are affordable to all. Dates of participation are January 17-21, 2024. Your purchase includes roundtrip fare on a charter bus and a two-night hotel stay.

Please forward any questions or group sign-up inquiries to our Outreach Director, Lesley Chisholm. She can be reached at: or 262-796-1111 ext. 116. We truly hope and pray you decide to participate. Link to secure your seat is here:

We need your help to bring pro-lifers to the national march! Many of these receive tickets at a reduced price, and we provide pro-life apparel and other promo items free of charge. Attendees are emboldened to be active participants in the pro-life movement.

Will you help us cover the costs of this trip? Sponsors will be recognized in our trip program and verbally on our buses. Any questions should be directed to Development Director, Teresa Wolfe, at or 262-796-1111 x115. Thank you for your generosity.

"This is a hate crime and an act of domestic terrorism on Wisconsin Family Action. Pro-Life Wisconsin stands with Wisconsin Family Action as they work to achieve justice for the family and the pre-born. Hate crimes in this and any form cannot be tolerated as they are used to strike fear in victims to silence their constitutionally protected free speech in the public forum. We welcome maximum sentencing for all guilty parties."  - Dan Miller ~ State Director ~ Pro-Life Wisconsin

Back in May of 2022, a terrible tragedy took place. Thirty-year-old Hridindu Roychowdhury firebombed the offices of Wisconsin Family Action in Madison. Fortunately, at the time, no employees were actually on the premises. He was finally arrested and indicted, as DNA was discovered on the scene and evidence recovered at his own home. Sadly, since that time, over one hundred pro-life organizations, churches and crisis pregnancy centers have been attacked across our nation.

Roychowdhury, with assistance from his attorneys, entered a guilty plea to the Court on November 20, 2023. He admitted to spray painting this horrid statement on the outside of Wisconsin Family Action building: If abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either". He further consents that he created two Molotov cocktails; ignited one and threw it into the windowsill - whereby causing said fire. He is due back in Court on December 1, 2023. The actual sentence for this atrocity is anywhere from five to twenty years in prison.

Let us all pray that these actions of hatred and lack of respect for human life shall cease to exist in our country.

In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we share this Christmas hope where it is needed most – the abortion facility right here in our community.

Pro-Life Wisconsin will gather at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 9, 2023 for Empty Manger Christmas Caroling on the sidewalks outside of Planned Parenthood Milwaukee (435 S Water St, Milwaukee, WI 53204). A group will also host Empty Manger Christmas Caroling at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023 outside of Planned Parenthood Kenosha (3601 Roosevelt Rd, Kenosha, WI 53142). Please join us! Carol booklets are provided. For more information, contact September (Milwaukee) via email at or Leslie (Kenosha) at 847-951-1064.
Since late October 2017, "Choose Life" license plates have been available to Wisconsin motorists, and every penny earned through the sale of the plates directly aids Wisconsin's incredible pregnancy resource centers and initiatives. Choose Life Wisconsin license plate sales have resulted in over $279,508 granted to Wisconsin pregnancy resource centers to date.

With a greater need to serve pregnant women in our state, please be a part of the mission to save lives and aid women, and get your Choose Life Wisconsin license plate today! For more information call Pro-Life Wisconsin at 262-796-1111 ext. 110.

For a list of pregnancy resource centers in Wisconsin, visit


ARKANSAS ATTORNEY GENERAL BLOCKS EXTREME ABORTION BALLOT MEASURE PUSHED BY FAR-LEFT ACTIVISTS: (LifeSiteNews) – “The attorney general of Arkansas rejected the wording of a radical pro-abortion ballot initiative pushed by a far-left activist group trying to undo the state’s near-total abortion ban. In an opinion on Tuesday, Arkansas Republican Attorney General Tim Griffin said that he could not approve the popular name and ballot title for a proposed constitutional ‘Arkansas Reproductive Healthcare Amendment’ because of internal contradictions and ‘ambiguities.’ ‘I must reject your popular name and ballot title due to ambiguities in the text of your proposed measure that prevent me from ensuring that the ballot title you have submitted, or any ballot title I would substitute, is not misleading,’ Griffin wrote. ‘Your proposed popular name is tinged with partisan coloring and misleading because your proposal is solely related to abortion, not ‘reproductive healthcare’ generally,’ he charged.” Read the full story here.

JACKSON’S ONLY ABORTION PROVIDER IS SHUTTING ITS DOORS DUE TO HIGH COSTS: (KHOL/Jackson Hole Community Radio) – “After thirty years in the business, the Women’s Health and Family Care clinic is closing down next month due to rising costs, such as rent. It is the only clinic that provides abortions in the region, and its closure may mean a six-week gap in pregnancy-ending care. For that time, the closest in-person abortion provider will be more than four hours away, 280 miles, in Casper.” Read the full story here.

CDC REPORT SHOWS ABORTION PILL IS BEING PRESCRIBED PAST FDA LIMITS: (Live Action) – “The abortion pill is likely being prescribed past the approved U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) gestational limit of 70 days/10 weeks, which could result in failed abortions, according to the latest abortion surveillance published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This seems to confirm that bad actors within the abortion industry are openly flouting the FDA’s approved limit for the chemical abortion pill regimen by prescribing abortion-inducing drugs into the second trimester of pregnancy.” Read the full story here.

ABORTION ADVOCATES SET SIGHTS ON CONSTITUTIONAL ‘RIGHT’ TO KILL PREBORN CHILDREN IN MONTANA: (Live Action) – “Abortion advocates last week filed a proposed constitutional amendment that would solidify a ‘right’ to abortion in the state’s constitution. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana submitted the ballot initiative language, which reads, ‘This constitutional amendment prohibits the government from denying or burdening the right to abortion before fetal viability.’ Earlier this year, the Montana Supreme Court ruled that killing preborn human beings is protected under the Constitution’s right to privacy. However, abortion advocates are pushing for the constitutional amendment in order to cement the state’s pro-abortion stance.Read the full story here. (Warning: Abortion victim images below.)


JANUARY 17-21 2024, WASHINGTON DC – Travel to our nation's capital, and march alongside hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers for the national March for Life!. Please forward any questions or inquiries about group signups to our Outreach Director, Lesley, at or 262-796-1111 ext. 116. Deadline for registration is December 11, 2023. Use the button below to register.


CRAWFORD COUNTY: Life Guardians pro-life group meets monthly in Boscobel. Email Heather at for more information or check out the Facebook page here.

GREEN BAY: Pro-Life Green Bay is an active pro-life ministry in Northeast Wisconsin and meets regularly throughout the year. For more information, contact

LA CROSSE: We would like to see at least two people pray every day of the week outside Planned Parenthood (1201 Caledonia Street, La Crosse, WI 54603). If you can commit to this weekly prayer, please let Marie Allen know. We encourage people to pray in groups of two if possible. You may choose your own time, and sidewalk counseling and signs are optional. Pro-Life literature is available if anyone wishes to distribute it. Questions? Call 608-784-5189.

Join us every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. (rain or shine) to pray the Angelus followed by the Rosary in preparation for sins of ingratitude at the Fatima Shrine (141 N. 68th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53213).

All are welcome to come and pray at Planned Parenthood in Milwaukee (435 S. Water Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204) on Saturday, December 9, 2023 at 10:00am. Songbooks will be provided, so your presence would be greatly appreciated. For further details, contact September at

PRICE COUNTY: Join Pro-Life Wisconsin Price County for our monthly meetings. We meet every second Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at First National Bank in Phillips (366 N. Lake Drive, Phillips, WI 54555). Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Patti McCormick at

WINNEBAGO COUNTY: Please join us in prayer every first Monday of the month from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to exercise your First Amendment Free Speech rights in the public right of way (nearest to Marcus Cinema) in Oshkosh, near Planned Parenthood (3768 Koeller Street, Oshkosh, WI 54902). Bring your own sign or use one of ours! Contact Don Doro at 920-279-3496 or at

WISCONSIN RAPIDS: Please join us in prayer on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. along 8th Street near Planned Parenthood (1355 S. 8th Street, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494). Gather in the parking lot at 3:45 p.m.


DECEMBER 11, KENOSHA - All are welcome to meet up at Planned Parenthood (3601 Roosevelt Road, Kenosha WI, 53142) to sing and pray for the unborn. We will commence at 3:00pm that day. Hymnbooks will be available for all in attendance. To learn more, contact Leslie at 847-951-1064.

JANUARY 6, 2024, MILWAUKEE First Saturday Traveling Rosary for Life. Join us for the Rosary on Saturday, January 6, at St. Matthias Church (9306 Beloit Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53227). Each month, a different parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will host a Rosary for Life on the First Saturday of the month. For a complete listing, please email Deacon Jim Matthias at

ONGOING Rachel's Vineyard of the Diocese of Madison offers Healing from Abortion. Whether recent or long ago ... Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope and healing for anyone, women or men who have struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. Confidential and private. Contact Mary: call 608-821-3177, text 608-215-0061 or email at
Visit: or

ONGOING – Help America Pray the Rosary Bumper Stickers Available at No Cost: A generous Pro-Life Wisconsin supporter wants to help you promote devotion to the Rosary! Help America Pray the Rosary Bumper Stickers are available to you and/or your organization. They come in packets of 250 and are free of charge. All questions and requests for bumper stickers should be forwarded to God bless!

ONGOING – Walking with Moms in Need: The Catholic Church has a long history of service to those who are most vulnerable. From pregnancy care centers, to foster care and adoption agencies, and from maternity homes to parish-based ministries, the Church consistently bears witness in word and deed to the beauty and dignity of every human life—including both mother and child. This program asks parishes and parishioners to adopt and support those centers and agencies that are actively helping moms in need. View the flyer here or visit the website here.

ONGOING, KENOSHA – Participate in the Rosary in Kenosha at 6:00 p.m. every Sunday at Saint Therese Catholic Church (2020 91st Street Kenosha, WI 53143). Bring family and friends!

ONGOING, OCONOMOWOC – Public Prayer of the Rosary to entrust the whole world to Our Lady and ask her to intercede for our state, country, and world. Join us at Village Green Park (104 E Wisconsin Ave. Oconomowoc, WI 53066) every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. View the flyer here.

ONGOING – Toda America con Cristo and Family Life Council, Inc. has created pro-life resources for the Latino community. If you or someone you know would benefit from these resources please view the web pages here and here.

POST-ABORTIVE VIDEO – There is hope and healing for mothers and fathers who now regret their abortion and deeply grieve the loss of their little child. A new day is dawning; be not afraid. Seek the help you need. Your wounded heart can be healed through the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. Go to Him, seek Him, and receive the help you desire to be healed and live in hope once again. Watch this video for more information on where to find help. There are millions and millions who regret their abortions. You are not alone.
Visit our website to stay updated on current news, events, legislative issues, and more! You can find our stance on abortion, end of life issues, contraception, natural family planning, stem cell research, and cloning.

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